Absent Status Absent Status

If a member intends to leave Singapore for a continuous period of more than 6 months but not exceeding 60 months, the member may apply in writing to the Secretary to be placed as an Absent Member. Application must be submitted 30 days prior to the intended period of absence.

Application must be submitted for the intended period of absence. The Secretary may approve such applications provided the member has paid up all monies due to the Society at the time the application is submitted.

Absent Member shall be deemed to have return to Singapore and shall be liable to resume payment of normal subscriptions upon the expiry of the period of absence for which approval was originally granted unless the member applies in writing to the Secretary and is granted approval of extension of Absent Membership.

An absent member may utilise the facilities or participate in the activities of the Society for a period not exceeding 30 days in a year or such period as the Committee may decide from time to time. 


Each application for Absent Status has to be accompanied by the following

For more information on the application for Absent Status, please click here for FAQs or contact us at mship@nuss.org.sg.